Preventive Care

The goal of preventive care is to protect your smile from damage caused by tooth decay, periodontal disease (gum disease), and other damaging dental conditions. Preventive dentistry works to prevent these diseases before they cause damage that requires repair. We offer a number of preventive dental treatments to help you keep your smile in the best possible health. These services include dental cleanings, dental sealants, and fluoride treatments; visiting our office regularly ensures that we detect and treat any early signs of damage before they become more extensive and painful.

Sealants greatly increase your chances of staying cavity free because they seal over the deep grooves in your teeth where bacteria like to hide. They prevent this bacteria from getting in those grooves. Fluoride binds well to the calcium in your teeth. It creates a protective layer around your tooth, like a rain coat. For many years, most states in America have placed fluoride in their water source to help prevent cavities. It has a decades long history of proven success. Salt Lake City has fluoride in their water, but Utah County has yet to join this club. We recommend that you get a fluoride treatment at each cleaning to compensate for this loss.

There are several more steps you can take to prevent cavities and tooth decay. Our dentist recommends that you follow these guidelines to help minimize your chances for developing cavities:

To learn more about preventive care, we invite you to call or visit us today!