Oral Health Quiz: Pediatric Dentistry

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To improve the smile of a child, several different treatments will be required. A specialized branch of dentistry known as pediatric dentistry is designed to provide these specialized forms of treatment to ensure that a child’s smile can continue to thrive well beyond childhood and into their adult life. Even though their primary teeth will eventually fall out and be replaced by adult teeth, they still need to be cared for so that their smile can grow properly. For additional questions concerning pediatric dentistry, take the following quiz:

Question 1: Which of the following definitions most closely describes pediatric dentistry?
A: a type of mouthwash product
B: unwaxed dental floss
C: a field of dentistry designed to help improve the smiles of those that cannot take care of themselves, including children and infants
D: a specialty in dentistry designed to recover missing teeth

Question 2: Which of the following is a risk factor for damage to a child’s smile?
A: poor oral hygiene
B: sugars and other harmful ingredients in foods and baby bottles
C: a lack a visit to their dentist for checkups and cleanings
D: all of the above

Question 3: Which of the following is a typical risk factor within pediatric dentistry?
A: teething
B: baby bottle tooth decay
C: thumb sucking
D: all of the above

Question 4: Which of the following is a potential benefit of pediatric dentistry?
A: optimum treatments for a child’s oral health care
B: prosthetics for your child
C: treatments to lower a child’s risk for back and shoulder pain
D: huge muscle gains in the gym

Answer Key:
C, D, D, A

If you are ready for a pediatric dentistry treatment from Doman Dental at our office in Lehi, Utah, then you are welcome to call us at 801-768-0404. Dr. Cliff Doman and our entire team look forward to improving your child’s smile.